Thursday 4 December 2014

A mysterious place

Today while I was taking an innocent walk along the city before a sudden mysterious force teleported me to somewhere I had never seen before!

The strange utilitarian architecture and overall structure of the building confused me, and as far as I could tell, this place was completely cut off from the rest of the world!

Suddenly this stranger also appeared out of thin air, next to me in this place! I tried to explore, but whenever I tried to enter the buildings I was instantly pushed back into the central courtyard! Surely some dark forces are at play, destroying the integrity of this world...

As soon as I began to consider the physical implications of this fourth-dimensional travel I had evidently done, I found myself back in the old town I knew and loved. Some cruel twist of fate 
(or hand of a god?) had taken me to this strange land, and then taken me back before I could understand anything.

Does Spoop Inc have a guardian angel watching us? Or a malignant evil? We may never know...

Thursday 27 November 2014

A security improvement

Although our main Spoop HQ base is nearly impenetrable, sometimes our extra little outposts are in need of an upgrade.

Today, we present the latest innovation to come out of Spoop Labs:

Here you see a standard issue security door.

 But upon an intruder entering?
Many explosives are revealed, ready to deter by whatever means necessary!

What is the last thing that a would-be robber sees before their untimely demise? I'm glad you asked.

This "death door" is fitted with a state of the art one-way mirror, and while we can see the whites of the enemies eyes, all they can see is the tombstone that'll accompany their dead self...

The outside world

Sometimes when we Spoops go outside, we find delight and wonder (as opposed to death)!

Today when walking through the city center we saw a few fantastic structures:

The chair lord is clearly a kind and fair god, one which we'd all be happy to serve under!

This barrel-titan, on the other hand...

Perhaps he's like Satan or Hades?

Don't ask.

Today Spoopy wore a lampshade as a hat.

None can explain his eccentricities.

Spare time

You may wonder what we spoops do in our spare time. Perhaps this'll explain:

Where do we get all of our explosives xmas crackers? Here you see Spoopy creating a batch of nitroglycerin, perfect for all festive dinners!

We even colour-code it all!

Practical Jokes!

Spoops aren't just spoopy - they can be silly sometimes, too!

Today I decided to play a practical joke on Spoopy:

As he stood in the corner, I planted lots of explosive tripmines at his feet!

How much fun we all had!

He didn't appreciate it.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Spoop HQ, and the Enemies of Spoop

Of course, as Spoop is such a powerful entity, we've made many enemies over time. Here I am, looking vigilantly through the windows of our fortress, Spoop HQ:

Spoop HQ, located surrounding by rocky cliffs forming before natural defences, means that all attacks must come from the front, where we have multiple one-way windows with buttons to open them to allow a wide range of fire ahead.

The powerful construction and location of Spoop HQ requires attackers to transverse difficult terrain before reaching us, where we have multiple layers of defense within the building itself!

One of our enemies walks into sight

When our enemies ever dare enter Spoop territory, we can instantly and immediately get a view of them. If they make any dangerous moves (such as trying to rob the miners, who we consider friendly creatures at the border of our territory), we can efficiently "remove" them.

Spoop HQ is part of the reason Spoop is so strong today, and no raid has ever successfully taken our stronghold while one of us is defending the building.

Thursday 23 October 2014

The day I died

As you all are fully aware, I am a spooper and thus most likely either a spoopy ghost or a spoopy skeleton...

However, many of you wonder - what makes a spooper? What happened in life (and death) which caused me to stay on the mortal plane and be very spoopy?

My spoopy gravestone, built in the middle of the street.
The men who killed me are seen in the background of the picture. My killers attempted to trap my soul by building the grave, but it was too late! I may have been killed, but this only granted me a renewed life...

I'd escaped into the universe between life and death, and vowed to spoop my killers and spoop all things evil in the world!

Thursday 9 October 2014

You've been spooped!

▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ SPOOPY 
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SCARY SKELETON 

Sorry for not posting much

I've decided that temporarily, the content of this blog will be posts apologizing about not posting enough. Soon the Spoops will return! Here's a song to get you excited:

Thursday 25 September 2014

Sleeping with the fishies

Today my friend Spoopy decided to go "swimming" in the canal, with all his fish friends!

From my view, it looked as if he was having a fantastic time.

Look how much fun he's having.
Later on, Spoopy was revived at the hospital decided to come back onto dry land!

He hadn't quite remembered how to walk properly. Possibly because of the brain damage.

Meet Spoopy

This is my friend, Spoopy.

Every day I see him I painfully must refrain from pulling the trigger on that sniper rifle.